Check out our fabulous prizes below!
We had quite a few excited people show up for their beads and brag tag last week. If you didn't have time to come in and get your brag tag last week, we still have plenty of them, so feel free to come by and get them! We'll have them at the children's reference desk.
Check out our fabulous prizes below!
Register here:
To participate in the hands-on activities for the Birdwatcher Workshop, participants would need: For binocular craft: two toilet paper roll tubes, tape, scissors, yarn/ribbon/string, sheet of colored paper (optional: single hole punch) For birdfeeder craft: empty egg carton, scissors, string, birdseed Come on over and visit your Youth Services staff and pick up your brag tag and beads! Yippee!
Our tent schedule is: Monday: 10-2 Tuesday: 2-6 Wednesday: 2-6 Thursday: 10-2 Friday: 10-2
We're trying something new this summer. Since we aren't going to have paper brochures, we decided to go with something called "Padlet". We'll be putting all our programs up here and, of course, they are in our calendar here.
If you are in Churchville-Chili, your last day of school is almost here! June 18 will be here before you know it. Today is the last day for my kids in Rush-Henrietta and I know that my son (finishing 9th grade) was racing to finish everything up today, while my daughter (finishing 5th grade) was excitedly waiting for her last class meeting.
This was a hard couple of months and I know that my kids did not enjoy it. I'm sure most of you guys didn't enjoy it too much either. Doing everything virtually is incredibly hard and unsatisfying when you can't discuss things as easily with your teachers. I know that for me, as an adult, it has been very hard to try and do everything virtually as well. However, that's how it is unfortunately. The reason I started the post this way is because this summer is going to be very different from the way it was in the past. We are going to be almost (if not completely) virtual this summer, even after we open the library (which I do not know when we will be opening, sorry everyone). We will be doing some Zoom crafts where you will pick up supplies at the library and then join us on Zoom to complete them together. We'll also continue to do virtual storytime. Plus we plan on having some Zoom 4H programs. We are especially excited about our virtual Teen Pizza Fridays, where you pick up the supplies at the library and make your pizza at home while playing different games together with other teens. We're hoping it'll be a blast. We KNOW it will be a blast. :) With things changing constantly, I decided we would go with a blog, to make it easier for you to stay up-to-date with what's going on. You can check it out here: Summer Reading Blog! This summer we're also registering and keeping track of reading electronically, firstly to make things safer for you and secondly to save on paper. You can check it out here: Summer Reading Registration! This summer we'll be doing the same thing (sort of) we did last year. BEADS and brag tags! This year however, we will be pre-bagging all the beads to keep everyone safe. So, unfortunately, you don't get to pick your own beads. :( Hopefully we make good choices for you! So far I've spent quite a few hours bagging beads, so I do hope you join us this summer. :) As always, if you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to email me at: [email protected]
Think big, but not too big because our Friends group is extremely supportive, but we don't have THAT much. :) Anyways, let us know what you think in the comments below!
The staff are super excited to dress up as princesses throughout the summer and do tons of programs based around fantasy and mythology.
Some of the highlights ... Fairy Gardens for ages 8-12 and 13-18 The Mobile Planetarium for grades k-2 and 3-5 Omnipresent Puppet Theater Presents: Beauty and the Beast Princess Tea Party (I will be dressed as Merida! She's my favorite!) |
CathyIts me. I like tech toys.
MCLS TeensLit's best-of-the-best book montage
43 members Books loved by teen services librarians in the Monroe County Library System that is in Rochester NY. Categories
December 2021