Well? ... I'm waiting! ... I could use some assistance. :)
The obvious things:
1. books (although what haven't they read, what do they want to read?)
2. Socks (everyone needs new socks)
3. bed sheets (nothing is better than new bed sheets)
4. candy (everyone should have at least a tiny bit)
5. a new tooth brush (to get rid of all the candy)
6. more books ....
7. At this point maybe another book shelf
See! I'm stumped! What do I get them? I don't want to buy them the newest gadgets and gizmos because they will like them for two minutes and then they will gather dust. Plus they don't need more electronics. We have electronics coming out of our ears at our house (and we don't even have hearing aids!)
Do you guys ever have trouble with this? What do you do to conquer the Christmas madness?
Thanks everyone!